Save files for arcane quest 3
Save files for arcane quest 3

Now that you have displayed your competence with Carbuncle, you are next to attempt an exercise that simulates the cargo inspections performed by Mealvaan's Gate assessors.Return to the Arcanists' Guild and report to Thubyrgeim. You have slain the designated creatures.

save files for arcane quest 3

Slay three wild dodos and three tiny mandragoras. In order to test your growing aptitude as an arcanist, Thubyrgeim sends you back to the wilds of lower La Noscea to battle more challenging opponents.Acting Guildmaster Thubyrgeim wishes to assess the improvement of your arcanima skills.Acting Guildmaster Thubyrgeim wishes to judge your aptitude for arcanima.Report to Thubyrgeim at the Arcanists' Guild.※The next arcanist quest will be available from Thubyrgeim upon reaching level 5. Follow the Roegadyn's advice and continue to hone your arcanima skills and tactics by pitting yourself against the creatures of the wild. With the completion of your preliminary trial, Acting Guildmaster Thubyrgeim officially welcomes you to the ranks of the Arcanists' Guild.Return to the Arcanists' Guild and speak with the waiting Thubyrgeim.

save files for arcane quest 3 save files for arcane quest 3

Travel to lower La Noscea, and slay three wharf rats, three aureliae, and three little ladybugs.

  • Thubyrgeim wishes you to display your commitment to the study of arcanima by means of a simple trial.
  • You are, instead, to speak with the acting guildmaster, Thubyrgeim.
  • Though it is standard practice to present yourself to the guildmaster, Murie explains that the leader of the arcanists is not presently available.
  • Murie wishes you to reaffirm your desire to join the Arcanists' Guild.

  • Save files for arcane quest 3